Adult ministry

Online Covenant Discipleship Group
Mondays at 7 PM

A covenant group is a small group for accountability and support to help us grow in our discipleship.
This weekly session is a time to share and help one another on our faith journey. All are welcome! Contact the church office for more information: 913-441-1435 or HERE.

Doing for Others Sewing
Wednesdays at 9:30 AM

Held in Fellowship Hall

Join us as we sew lap blankets for those who could use extra comfort. All are invited. More here.

Lunch Out
First Wednesday Each Month at 11:30 AM
August 7- TBD

Join us for lunch at a local restaurant. Meet at 11:15 AM at Monticello to carpool if you'd like to carpool. Contact the church office or Karen Gillespie if you have any questions.

Book Club

Second Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM
August 8- "Ruby Holler" by Susan Creech (location TBD)
We gather at church member's residence. Book club reads a new book and discusses it each month. Contact Kathleen Isaacson for more information.

Bible Studies & Sunday School- Click here

Women's Group- Click here

Men's Ministry- Click here

Choir and Bells- Click here

Enter Group Attendance HERE