women's group

Doing For Others Sewing

Wednesdays at 9:30 AM

Fellowship Hall

This group meets to do various hands on projects and to enjoy fellowship with one another. Everyone welcome.

Walking Group
Saturday, August 10, 9:00 AM -10:00 AM
Erfurt Park

The Walking Group is for everyone who loves to walk, talk, and get to know one another better. 

Annul Spiritual Life Retreat & Brunch

Saturday, August 17, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Frances Duckworth’s Home

This Retreat is a time of fellowship, relaxing, eating together and getting to know each other better. A time to remember how blessed we are to be able to serve God, as called in our church and community.

If you would like, you are welcome to bring something that has touched your heart to share (a Bible verse, devotional reading, something humorous, a personal experience etc.). Please Join Us and Bring a Friend!  


Susan Cockrum

Sally Frick